Sad news from Sumatera

This past week Mother Nature got angry and West Sumatera (that's how they spell it) was the victim of her rage, suffering a 6.3 level earthquake. We visited there about 10 years ago and have very fond memories- in fact we've been wanting to return for quite a while. The people are kind and gentle, the terrain beautiful with jungle-covered mountains, and the traditional arts refined and unique. Padang is the major port and airport in the region; Solok to the east was the epicenter of the quake; both suffered greatly. Our thoughts and sympathies are with the people there as they struggle with the devastation and try to put their lives back together.
Here are some images from a happier time.

Their society is also distinctive with a matrilineal kinship tradition and a strong adherence to Islam- two seemingly disparate characteristics. We were fascinated by the unusual social mores, especially while living with the strict Islamic tenets of Saudi Arabia. As the name suggests, descent and inheritance are traced through the women rather than men; houses and land belong to women and often they run the businesses. Sadly, this system is now dying out as Minang emigrate to other parts of Indonesia, and the world.

Up into the Minang Highlands, and down a winding road with 44 switchbacks lies Lake Maninjau, an enormous, ancient crater lake. Tho smaller than it's more famous neighbor Lake Toba, in north Sumatra, nonetheless it is quite impressive, especially when one considers the amount of earth displaced in its formation: said to be 220-250 km cubed! (Mother Nature has long been letting off steam in this region.) Approximately 17 x 8 km in size, it is fairly unspoilt and very beautiful, with small villages sparsely scattered around its edge.

Such weaving continues in the village of Pandai Siket, outside of Bukittinggi.
For more current information on the quake situation there, please see this posting on Reliefweb.
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